The master judging panel (Ben Tam, Lynn Cooper and Marie Whaley) agreed that the standard was incredibly high this year. As you will know, we had two prizes on offer. One for ‘Best Poster’, where each judge was issued with criteria which they used to score each entry based on content, accessibility and design. The second prize was for ‘Best Interaction’, which was judged based on the level of engagement throughout the 24 hour competition period, including a review of the number of likes, shares as well as the quality of questions asked and answered.

You are able to review the 18 entries that we received following this link.

The winners have now been notified: ‘Best Poster’ was awarded to James Boxall-Clasby (Bath University) with his poster entitled ‘Monitoring Infectious Diseases in Near-Real-Time for Rapid Outbreak Response’.  He will receive the 2020 Water Engineering Award Medal kindly sponsored by the Engineers Trust of the Worshipful Company of Engineers.

‘Best Interaction’ was awarded to Catherine Leech (Cardiff University) who submitted a poster entitled ‘Riding the Tide to Greener Energy’ and demonstrated an exceptional level of engagement throughout the competition. She will receive a complimentary place at the Institute of Water Annual Conference in 2021.

Congratulations to both of our winners and a huge thank you to everyone who took part!