Become a mentee

The mentee

The success of the mentoring relationship depends on the attitude and commitment of the individual being mentored. He or she should:


  • Understand that the role of the mentor is to challenge and encourage but not to provide answers
  • Guard against becoming dependent on the mentor
  • Approach each meeting fully prepared
  • Be open to ideas, suggestions and different perspectives
  • Be open and honest about what works and what does not

Benefits of having a mentor

Most of us benefit from having someone with whom we can discuss our hopes, plans and problems. A mentor can offer: 


  • A different perspective 
  • Challenges based on experience 
  • Encouragement 
  • Help getting motivated when the going is tough 
  • Help with setting goals and defining how to achieve them 
  • Counts towards Career Professional Development 

Members who have used mentors in the past have found that the relationship has:


  • Enhanced their training and career development 
  • Significantly influenced their attitudes and professional outlook 
  • Guided them round major procedural obstacles and pitfalls 
  • Improved their results by challenging their assumptions