Have you gone above and beyond to keep your CPD up to date? Think you have an excellent CPD record? Perhaps you know someone who sets an outstanding example of how CPD should be done?
Consider nominating either yourself or a colleague for the Science Council’s CPD Awards 2018 which are now open for nominations. The awards are designed to celebrate the efforts and achievements of registrants across Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach) status.
Members of Institute of Water are encouraged to make a nomination to ensure that scientists working in the Water Industry are represented in the awards.
To nominate an individual or yourself you will need to fill in the online nomination form.
Guidance notes are available for anyone making a nomination and permission must be sought from your nominees before submitting their nominations to the Science Council. This permission needs to be confirmed by a signed declaration form (available to download from the Science Council Website).
The closing date for nominations is Friday 20th July at 12pm. Winners will be notified in early September and presented with their awards at a ceremony in October.
N.B. Any email address you provide will only be used by the Science Council to contact you and the nominee about the CPD Awards.