Consumer Council for Water have published their Forward Work Programme for 2018-21, which sets out their work priorities for the next three years. CC Water have also published their one-year Operational Business Plan.
“As the Water Watchdog, our aim is to secure the best outcomes for all water consumers – present and future. We will do this by focussing on the priorities that consumers tell us matter most to them. We will:
• Advocate for affordable charges that all current and future consumers see as fair and value for money.
• Challenge companies to provide their service right first time, protect household and business consumers when things go wrong and provide an easy-to-access service for all.
• Press companies for safe, reliable water and wastewater services that all consumers can trust now, and in the long term.
• Shape the water sector by informing and engaging all consumers so that consumers’ voices are acted upon by decision makers and the industry.
For those who gave their comments on the draft Forward Work Programme for England and Wales, we have included a document that outlines how we responded to your suggestions.
We look forward to working with you over the next three years to help develop services and policies that promote the best interests of water and sewerage consumers.
As the retail water market develops for non-household customers in England, we will continue to keep a close eye on the marketplace to ensure emerging problems are quickly addressed. We’ll also seek to help increase small and medium-sized businesses’ awareness of the market and assess their experiences.
The last year of the 2019 Price Review will mean we need to stay focused on making sure consumers receive value for money services that are affordable and resilient now and in the long term.
We will also keep up the pressure on poor performing water companies to improve their performance; reduce customer complaints and provide services that are ‘right first time’.
Additionally, we are currently contributing to Ofwat’s review of the water industry’s handling of supply issues which affected consumers across England and Wales during freezing weather conditions in early March.”
CLICK HERE to view the Forward Work Programme for England and Wales 2018 – 2021.