Susan Davy - Board Member

Susan Davy, Board Member

Group Chief Executive, Pennon Group

Susan was appointed Group Chief Executive for Pennon Group in July 2020. Having previously served as Chief Financial Officer since 2015.

Susan’s knowledge of the industry, coupled with her financial and regulatory expertise, has underpinned the development of Pennon’s strategy which has included the value creating acquisition of Bournemouth Water, Bristol Water, Sutton and East Surrey Water, as well as the successful Viridor disposal process, all of which she has led. In her 25 years’ experience in the utility sector, Susan has also held a number of other senior roles in the water sector, including at Yorkshire Water. Under

Susan is a Non-Executive Director and Audit Chair of Restore Plc, a Water UK Board member, member of the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership Council and was previously a member of the A4S (Accounting for Sustainability) CFO leadership network.