Catherine Fearon - Past Chair

Catherine Fearon – Past Chair

Head of Regulatory Compliance (Water), ESP Utilities Group

Catherine is a Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) working within the water industry for 21 years after completing her Masters in Water Science and Technology in 1998. After working for the Environment Agency she then joined Anglian Water and undertook various roles within Operations, Innovation and the commercial arm, H2go. In 2001 Catherine left Anglian Water to become a Water Quality Scientist for Mid Kent Water= for 7 years before Mid Kent Water and South East Water merged. After a further 3 years as Water Quality Manager for South East Water, Catherine then rejoined Anglian Water in 2011 as their Water Quality Risk and Strategy Manager and became the Water Quality Regulation Manager in 2013. In 2021 she became Head of Regulatory Compliance (Water) for ESP Utilities Group, a predominantly gas and electricity supplier, who is venturing into water. Catherine has been an active member of the Institute of Water throughout her career, including as South East Area Chair and the Eastern Area Membership Secretary.